Delivery Time
- EMS / Average 3-7 business days
- Depending on the delivery method and the region, there might be a slight difference in the delivery time.
- If problem arises in clearing customs, there may be a delay.
- Parcel Weight Limit: 0.1kg-15Kg

Return Standards
- You are eligible to apply for a return within 7 days after receiving the item. After 7 days, the status will automatically change to [Order Complete]
- An item can only be returned in the case of error in delivery on our part or it displays a clear defect.
- Simple change of mind is not acceptable.
Return Procedures
- In order to apply for a return go to [Menu]>[Order History]>[Order Details].
- Submit any evidentiary material (photo of the damaged or wrongly delivered item) to our Customer Service. Send back the item "Cash on Arrival" once the application is accepted.
- Under [Order Details], click [Return Information] and type in the delivery service information and the invoice number.
- If "Cash on Arrival" option is unavailable, submit a photo of the receipt to the Customer Service to have the delivery fee reimbursed.
Refund Policy by Return Conditions
Entire Order Return: [Product Total + Shipping] is refunded
Partial Return (individual item in a multi-item order): only the [Product Total] is refunded (Shipping fee excluded)
- Refund is processed once the item is successfully returned to us.
- We will notify you via your personal contact when the return is complete.
- Transaction fee may apply when you cancel the payment and only the total amount excluding the transaction fee will be refunded.
- We will not be held responsible for any damage or lost items by the delivery courier. Please contact the relevant shipping courier for inquiries.
- Any extra fees, including customs duties or tax incurred during return process, must be borne and paid by the returner.
Order Cancellation Policy
- Order cancellation is available up to [Payment Complete] stage and when it enters into [Processing Order], the option is no longer available.
- If there were multiple items in an order, you cannot cancel the individual parts of the order but have to cancel the entire order.
Order Cancellation Refund Policy
- Refund will be processed after the order cancellation has been approved.
- We will notify you via your personal contact after the order cancellation has been approved.
- Transaction fee may apply when you cancel the payment and only the total amount excluding the transaction fee will be refunded.