Delivery Time
*Depending on the delivery method and the region, there might be a slight difference in the delivery time.
*This information shows Delivery Time after [Payment has been completed]. For customers whose payment method is Bank Transaction, It may take few more days for your payment to be checked.
All shipping from CHARIS, tracking code is supported to customer for safe & fast delivery. Parcel Weight Limit : Max 15kg
Local Shipping (Philippines) - tracking available
Metro Manila : 1~5 days Other Area: 1~2 weeks
Local Shipping (Indonesia) - tracking available
JABODETABEK : 1~2 days Bandung/Surabaya : 2 ~ 3days / Other Area: Less than 1 week
Global Shipping (Shipped from Korea) - tracking available
Charis has safe & secure international delivery service around all over the world. If there is some problem related about customs, it might be a delay. PH/MY/SG/TH/VN/TW : Less than 10days ID/US/CA : Less than 14days

Return Standards
- You are eligible to apply for a return within 7 days after receiving the item. After 7 days, the status will automatically change to [Order Complete]
- An item can only be returned in the case of error in delivery on our part or it displays a clear defect.
- Simple change of mind is not acceptable.
Return Procedures
- In order to apply for a return go to [Menu]>[Order History]>[Order Details].
- Submit any evidentiary material (photo of the damaged or wrongly delivered item) to our Customer Service. Send back the item "Cash on Arrival" once the application is accepted.
- Under [Order Details], click [Return Information] and type in the delivery service information and the invoice number.
- If "Cash on Arrival" option is unavailable, submit a photo of the receipt to the Customer Service to have the delivery fee reimbursed.
Refund Policy by Return Conditions
Entire Order Return: [Product Total + Shipping] is refunded
Partial Return (individual item in a multi-item order): only the [Product Total] is refunded (Shipping fee excluded)
- Refund is processed once the item is successfully returned to us.
- We will notify you via your personal contact when the return is complete.
- Transaction fee may apply when you cancel the payment and only the total amount excluding the transaction fee will be refunded.
- We will not be held responsible for any damage or lost items by the delivery courier. Please contact the relevant shipping courier for inquiries.
- Any extra fees, including customs duties or tax incurred during return process, must be borne and paid by the returner.
Order Cancellation Policy
- Order cancellation is available up to [Payment Complete] stage and when it enters into [Processing Order], the option is no longer available.
- If there were multiple items in an order, you cannot cancel the individual parts of the order but have to cancel the entire order.
Order Cancellation Refund Policy
- Refund will be processed after the order cancellation has been approved.
- We will notify you via your personal contact after the order cancellation has been approved.
- Transaction fee may apply when you cancel the payment and only the total amount excluding the transaction fee will be refunded.